Important Notice (Updated February 2025)

This census records system has been replaced with a newer version available at and will be coming offline in the coming months. Any updates made to the data will only be reflected in the new system and there will be no automated links established between the old and new census systems. Please ensure you make all necessary arrangements as soon as possible.

Location search

The basic topographical divisions for the census are: County; District Electoral Division; Townland or Street. This is a simple hierarchical structure which makes it easy to access any area in the country. The returns are arranged in clusters by townland/street within District Electoral Division within county.

The basic topographical units used on the site are townlands, the smallest land denomination in Ireland, for rural areas, and streets for urban areas. If you know the townland or street where the person lived, enter that in the relevant box. Click on "Search" and all of the people who lived in that townland/ street will appear, with their age and sex. You can sort them alphabetically by surname, first name, townland/street name, DED, age and sex.

When searching for a street, parade, avenue, terrace, square, gardens etc., place a + sign between the elements of the street name, eg Glengariff+Parade, Mountjoy+Square, or Park+Avenue.

If you are not sure what townland or street the person you are seeking came from, you can browse within District Electoral Divisions (DEDs), topographical units containing a number of townlands/streets which were used by the census authorities to divide each county.

If you are looking for Main St., in any town, type in Main St. in the Townland Street box, and the name of the town in the DED box, eg Main St., Swords or Main St., Blackrock. This will bring you to a list of households on that street.