Important Notice (Updated February 2025)

This census records system has been replaced with a newer version available at and will be coming offline in the coming months. Any updates made to the data will only be reflected in the new system and there will be no automated links established between the old and new census systems. Please ensure you make all necessary arrangements as soon as possible.

About the census

Census - User Corrections

Since the Online Census went live, the National Archives has received thousands of emails detailing error corrections through our error feedback facility. Until recently, we had no staff to undertake the task of verifying these suggested corrections, and entering them in the database. Over the last year, however, we have been able to make a start on this task, and have validated and corrected 12,600 submissions. We have now re-indexed the site to incorporate these corrections.

We hope, subject to resource constraints, to continue this important work, and we thank our users for their patience in waiting a considerable length of time to see their very useful corrections implemented.